Vision & Mission

Our Vision for the children of Saint Patrick’s School, Brewarrina is that they grow in the awareness of how deeply & generously God loves them so that they learn to respond to that love becoming young women & men of faith, filled with courage, compassion & care.

May they learn to be people of integrity, able to value their individuality & respect the uniqueness of others, just as Saint Patrick did, so that they can realize their aspirations & reach their full potential in life.

Our Mission here at Saint Patrick’s is to:

  • Foster & participate in the Faith development of the whole School Community, placing an emphasis on gospel values
  • Share with parents in providing a learning environment that aims to educate the whole person & provide a wide variety of experiences
  • Value & nurture the unique gifts & dignity of each individual by providing a happy & loving environment
  • Strive to develop cultural harmony
  • Encourage families to participate in the life of the parish & the community
  • Provide a sensitive environment for parents & caregivers in their quest to educate children to their individual potential.